Gunner Visari wrote:The only issue i have with the SP cap is that it creates a mismatch for players who come into the game at later point in time n the game cycle.
For instance no matter how much i play there is simply no way for me to catch players who have been playing for 6 months and what about players who come into this game a year or two down the road they just will never be able to catch up to the veteran players. So they will not be able to realistically touch them. In theory they maybe able to get enough SP to put up a fight a few years down the road but that is a big if and really wont happen until the vets reach the SP max and have skilled into everything therefore they stop moving forward.
I think they should adjust the log curve so it accounts for new players to progress a bit quicker and have a higher cap that diminishes over time as they begin to catch the limit which should be set to the weekly cap x the number of weeks since the game launched. If not this then some sort of SP rollover system that would retain SP for new players to tap into for a set period of time that would allow them to accelerate their initial progression without closing the gap too quickly or too unfairly to a player that has invested years into the game.
Im not sure how EVE players could abuse this system for their accts, if someone could explain that to me perhaps i can better understand that side of the argument.
Edit-- I think that maybe the gripe some of these players maybe having with the caps is that its not about the fact they are progressing slowly its that they are finding they cant catch up to the vets so they can start to compete against them.
Also there are players who will be casualcore who play at varied intervals but will have some days/weeks where they play a lot and it would suck for them to not be able to make the most of out that limited time.
For me personally i dont mind the grind but i grind not for progression or some sense of achievement i do it cause i want to catch the vets and start to compete against them. Fortunately when the wipe comes ill be on even footing with them but once the game fully lauches with every week that passes new players will find themselves at a disadvantage agaisnt veteran players which is nice because it gives them something to work for, but if someone wants to grind and get their a bit quicker let them, shouldnt have to invest potentially 2-3 years(assuming someone came to the game that late) to try and compete that model works well for PC MMO's because of the mentality of the PC player but console players are a different breed and they will not want to do it if they cant see themselves fighting competing with the big boys insides of 1-2 years(that is very long time in console land).
Just my .02 ISK
This is all based on the false assuption that sp is cumulative and offers an increasing benefit the more you get. But this is just not true. You can max out a few essential skills for one weapon fairly quickly and can be as competitive with that weapon as a player who has been at the game for months playing all day every day. At least as far as the edge you get from gear.
The rest of your sp goes toward branching out and trying new fitting options. If there is one fitting that takes a massive amount of sp that was better than all the others a new player could still catch up and get that fitting and be just as good as the long time no lifer. And the no lifer wouldn't be any farther along the would just have a bunch of misc. Skills that contribute nothing to that good fitting.
Sp is really not a big deal. It just seems that way. I have taken lots of breaks from the beta but after the first 3 weeks it seemed like everyone has peaked in their chosen specialty and people are not getting any more powerful. Just branching out based on the nerfs that show up with hot fixes, new builds, etc.